Christmas And Everything In Between

It’s the first time blog day is coinciding with Christmas day, and I am super excited to be writing to you on this special, special day. As expected, there’s plenty of excitement in the air. People are literally floating right now; that feeling of euphoria and exhilaration is not hard to miss. I am tempted to remind you that January (which is only a few days away) always feels ultra-long with its attendant notoriety for dragging on and on, I know everyone deserves to live with slight abandon sometimes. So, splurge if you must, but try to not invite penury in the process.

Sharing the lessons from 2019

2019: 5 Lessons I Learnt

I call 2019 the mixed bag year. It was a year ladened with a lot of twist and turns; a roller coaster run of days–one minute I would be leading my normal life and minding my business–the next, I would be swooning from yet another dart life throws at me. With the happenings this year, I have become further convinced that life never really gets easier, we just get tougher. And so in that spirit, and in the spirit of my yearly tradition, I’ll be sharing five lessons 2019 taught me. I hope it’s helpful to someone out there.

The standard of beauty is dynamic and not static

Zozibini: Revisiting The Beauty Standard Narrative

The feat is reminiscent of the one recorded 18 years ago when Agbani Darego became the first native African to win the Miss World Beauty pageant. The ecstasy and frenzied excitement that followed Zozibini Tunzi’s victory at the 2019 installment of the Miss Universe competition is understandable, This time around, it’s not just a black woman clinching the coveted crown, it’s a black woman with short, natural hair beating more than 90 other women whom society would have considered a better semblance of acceptable beauty in the modern world.