The Kind Of Love You Do Not Need

Image: Vanguard News

When it comes to matters of love, everyone has an opinion. People have varying views on how they would like to be shown love and even go one step further to attempt to dictate how other people should be loved. It’s why the relationship dynamic between two of the Big Brother Naija Season 6 ex-housemates, Saga and Nini continues to generate controversy among viewers. The majority find Saga’s undeniably enamoured self off-putting; those on the other side of the divide insist a man like Saga is every woman’s dream and critics are only being hypocritical with their condemnation of his approach.

Groups And You

Image: Pexels

Groups, especially within the context of social media and online platforms, in general, have come to stay. They are conduits for collaboration—tagged the new currency; and avenues for information sharing and building formidable relationships. And so today, we have all kinds of groups: professional, school, business, ethnic, religious, recreational and, of course, fun or gossip groups. The dynamics of each group vary in almost the same way they share similar characteristics; there are the active members who are vocal about their thoughts on every topic, Frankly, without them, the group would be dead.