5 Types Of Friends You Should Have On Facebook


Twitter might be the abode of witty comebacks and humour, and Instagram might have all the puff and fluff, but Facebook rules where the numbers are concerned. The leading social media platform combines an eclectic mix of fun and seriousness that is hard to find in other virtual communities. The proof is in the almost 2 billion active users it boasts of – far higher than the combined number of active users its rivals have. Facebook’s goal of connecting family and friends is the chief reason it remains the preferred platform for the majority. In these times where more people interact online than physically, it’s not unusual to have more virtual friends compared to “real” friends.

5 Subtle Lessons You Can Learn From Social Media



Since social media became a phenomenon, people have explored it for various uses. In the virtual community, there are really no rules. Yes, even though most platforms provide the option of reporting toxic posts, more often than not, bad conduct goes unpunished. I am active on social media. I hardly have a choice because of the nature of my job which demands the use of the platform. However, even I am tempted to take a break from it sometimes. The reason – social media can be overwhelming. The cacophony of opinions, the controversies, dirty fights and fake life…it can all be a bit too much for a more introverted personality like mine.

Kick These Social Media Habits In 2018

It’s the virtual space where we all get to express ourselves, air our views, display a little vanity (for those who are so inclined), exciting family life or lack thereof and keep in touch with family and friends. There have been arguments for and against social media and its use, and the general consensus seems to be that while the virtual community has reunited friends and family and built friendships, it has also done as much harm (if not more) to existing relationships. 

Freedom Of Expression Is An Illusion


A final year student of a private university was expelled on account of a Facebook post that was deemed to be a campaign of calumny of sorts against the authorities of the school. The post which took a swipe at the management and officials of the higher institution was scathing enough to earn Debo Adedayo, the writer, an expulsion from Redeemers University. Mr Adedayo had concluded his exams and wrapped up his final year project when he was handed what has been widely adjudged to be a harsh punishment by the school.

Before You Ruin Yourself On Social Media

Don’t sabotage yourself. Don’t be the clog in the wheel of your own progress. In this age of social media, it’s the easiest thing to do. Seeing that the world is now a global village, and it has become increasingly easier to make friends with people many miles away, and stay in touch with loved ones we have not seen in a long time, everyone feels close to everyone. These days, you just might tweet at Donald Trump and get a personal response from him. It’s why it is easy to be deluded into thinking the next person on Twitter or Facebook is family or a pal whom we can throw jibes at without the nursing the fear of consequences.