Chimamanda: This Feminism Has Become Tiring


One time someone wanted to know my thoughts concerning roles in the marriage institution. How I thought couples should share responsibilities, especially with regards to either sticking with what tradition defines or embracing more unorthodox ways. I replied by saying each couple should determine how they would like to “run” their marriage. If they wanted to conform to the traditional African narrative that says the man should bear all financial obligations while the woman takes care of the kids and domestic chores, good for them. If on the other hand, they opt for a more unconventional approach or turn tradition on its head outright by switching roles, then, good for them also.

Before You Ruin Yourself On Social Media

Don’t sabotage yourself. Don’t be the clog in the wheel of your own progress. In this age of social media, it’s the easiest thing to do. Seeing that the world is now a global village, and it has become increasingly easier to make friends with people many miles away, and stay in touch with loved ones we have not seen in a long time, everyone feels close to everyone. These days, you just might tweet at Donald Trump and get a personal response from him. It’s why it is easy to be deluded into thinking the next person on Twitter or Facebook is family or a pal whom we can throw jibes at without the nursing the fear of consequences.

The Clinton-Trump Debate: A Clear Mismatch

   “Hillary Clinton belongs in the White House. Donald Trump belongs on my show.”- Jerry Springer

With a 5- hour time difference between Nigeria and the USA, watching the first presidential debate between Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump live automatically meant staying up till 3 am Tuesday morning, but it was a sacrifice I was willing to make even though I was quite tired and had been dozing off much earlier. I wanted to get a firsthand feel of how things would unfold, and not rely on other people’s account of events.