Who Are You When You’re Alone?


Two divergent personalities.

One for the public…the crowd, the virtual mob who may deride or ostracise you if you do not kowtow to popular opinion.

How can everyone you know align with the two major political parties while you opt to pitch your tent with the third force? So you choose to be a closet cheerleader and chant “Four plus Four!” or “Atikulated!” because you’d sooner jump off a cliff than admit you’re voting an unpopular candidate.

Racism And The Conundrum Of Identity


The French Ambassador to the United States recently expressed his displeasure about famous comedian and host of the Daily Talk Show, Trevor Noah, arrogating the French national team’s World Cup win to Africa. The players are fully French and should not be associated with Africa in any way, was pretty much the summary of his letter to Noah. It didn’t matter that almost 70 per cent of them were Blacks whose parents or grandparents had migrated from several African countries. Apart from Noah’s brilliant response to the ambassador’s protest, the issue has once again brought up the question of identity, how it is perceived and what its implications are for an individual ora group of people.