Emilia: This Tragedy, This Pain

Dear Emilia,

They say there are four or five stages of grief, but since I learnt of your passing, I have been stuck in the shock stage. I have wandered between shock and disbelief since the wee hours of Saturday when I stumbled on the Facebook post that would send me into a state of sadness that I last experienced when I lost my father. And since then, I have asked no one, in particular, the question, “How can Emilia die?” Indeed, how plausible is it that you no longer exist in this realm. It’s the most preposterous thing; bereft of a scintilla of logic, yet I find myself writing this piece…talking about you in the past tense.

Ode To The Silent Lovers


In the shadows…behind the scenes

Nodding in the background

Almost non-existent if one were to judge by the physical, yet always there.

Always, always there.

No comments on the blog post. Sparse reactions on the Facebook, yet silently rooting.

Taciturn, shy, reticent but stoic in effervescent support.